Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can beauty marks just pop up?

I don't mean the ones that stick out like people have on the back of thier necks...I mean the little brown ones that are just like little dots.Can beauty marks just pop up?
It's meanness tryin to come out.Can beauty marks just pop up?
yea they can. i just realized i had one by the side of my chin several months ago. i looked at my 6th grade school picture and that spot was clear. now im in eighth and that 'beauty mark' is there. and it makes me look better actually.
yes they can.. richard told me he never had the one in his gotee(?) until he was like 19.. so ahhhh yeah dumb ***.. love,
Usually you are born with beauty marks. If you have something there that just appeared then perhaps it is a freckle from the sun. And as I don't know your age, it could be an age spot. If this dot changes in any way, texture changes, size, color etc. Get it checked by a doc, especially if your are sunbathing a lot!
Duhhh, look at me I have them on my nose, who the fukk gets them on your nose?? So yes the can appear anywhere even in places you wouldnt think of.
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